MIFARE encompasses a range of integrated circuit (IC) chips that find application in contactless smart cards and proximity cards. Mifare cards are a type [...]
The OMNIKEY 5421 reader is a cutting-edge smart card reader that seamlessly integrates both contact and contactless technology into one device. That sounds like [...]
A ribbon RFID error number 100 typically occurs with ID card printers and signifies an issue with the ribbon cartridge identified by the printer. [...]
Error 93 on the FARGO DTC4250e printer signifies a discrepancy between the installed ribbon and the ribbon type chosen in the printer driver. This [...]
HDP, short for High Definition Printing, is a specialized card printing technology utilized in premium ID card printers such as the HID FARGO HDP5000. [...]
A magnetic stripe card is usually made of iron based magnetic particles embedded in a plastic-like material. These magnetic stripe cards are widely used [...]
Ahmed’s Infotech Solutions offers preprinted cards online. A cost-effective solution for creating professional ID cards without the need for an expensive ID card printer. [...]