Proximity 125khz CardsEM Prox Cards

Proximity 125khz CardsEM Prox Cards

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A secure access control smart card

Key Future

    • The HID 125 kHz Prox and iCLASS 13.56 MHz combine read/write contactless smart card technology into a single card.

    • This product complies with ISO standards regarding thickness and is suitable for use with direct image and thermal transfer printers.
    • Provides the option to incorporate a magnetic stripe, barcode, anti-counterfeiting elements, personalized artwork, or photo identification.
    •  iCLASS comes in 2k bit (256 byte), 16k bit (2K Byte), or 32k bit (4K Byte) memory options.
    • Supports all existing HID card formats, including Corporate 1000
    • The HID access control application area on the card can be programmed with any existing HID format using field programming support.

Proximity 125khz CardsEM Prox Cards is also called Low frequency cards. They are widely used with its low price and simple operation. They are commonly used in application such as access control, payment cards & staff identification etc.

We provide wide range of proximity 125KHz cards. EM and TK (EM compatible) are very popular ones .

Printing Option

  • Offset printing
  • Silkscreen printing
  • Metallic gold/silver is also on Proximity 125khz CardsEM Prox Cards


Magnetic Stripe Option: Loco 300oe,650oe,Hico 2750oe, 4000oe
Numbering: Jet dot printing, Thermal printing, Laser, UV Inkejet printing
Bar code, eg: EAN13, Code 39, Code 128, etc
Signature panel


  • Hole Punching, Embossed, Hologram
  • Hot-Stamping silver/gold
  • Scratch off
  • Chip option

Card Construction:

The card is constructed using a thin and flexible material called polyvinyl chloride (PVC) laminate or a composite of Polyester/PVC.

Memory Type:

The memory type used in the card is EEPROM, which allows for both reading and writing of data.

Chip Supplier Memory Read & Write Protocol
TK4100 Tatwah Design 64 bits R/O 18000-2
EM4200 EM Marin 64 bits R/O 18000-2
ATA5567/5577 Atmel 330 bits/363 bits R/W 18000-2
EM4450 EM Marin 1 Kbits R/W 18000-2
Hitag1 NXP 2048 bits R/W 11784/11785
Hitag2 NXP 256 bits R/W 11784/11785
HTS256 NXP 256 bits R/W 11784/11785
HTS2048 NXP 2048 bits R/W 11784/11785
Hitag uR064 NXP 64 bits R/O 11784/11785
EM4205 EM Marin 512 bits R/W 11784/11785
EM4305 EM Marin 512 bits R/W 11784/11785




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