HDP6600 error 501
hdp6600 error 501

Based on the information gathered, here’s a concise summary of what you need to know about the FARGO HDP6600 error 501:

Core Issue:

  • The primary cause of error 501 on the FARGO HDP6600 is related to the transfer film’s positioning and the printer’s ability to detect it.

Key Factors:

  • Transfer Film Misalignment:
    • The transfer film may be incorrectly positioned on the spool, often due to damage during shipping or improper loading.
    • This misalignment prevents the printer’s sensors from accurately reading the film’s position.
  • Sensor Dependency:
    • The HDP6600 relies on sensors to monitor the transfer film. When the film is out of place, the sensors trigger the error.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Film Inspection:
    • Carefully examine the transfer film spool to ensure it’s centered and aligned.
    • Look for any signs of physical damage to the film.
  • Sensor Attention:
    • It is possible that the film sensors need to be calibrated.
  • Film Replacement:
    • If the film is damaged or cannot be properly aligned, replacement is necessary.
  • Seek Expert Help:
    • If the problem persists, contact HID Global (FARGO) technical support for professional assistance.

Where to find more information:

  • HID Global Website: The official website for the company will have support documents, and contact information.
  • Online forums: Websites such as Reddit can provide user generated trouble shooting tips.
  • AITS Support: Websites such as easy badge, provide support documents.

Summary: Error 501 on the HDP6600 is a transfer film-related issue that requires careful inspection and potential replacement of the film.


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