HID Distributor iCLASS SE Cards

HID Distributor iCLASS SE Cards

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for iCLASS as well as MIFARE® technology and DESFire technology.



Category: Brand:


300x iCLASS SE Card


for iCLASS as well as MIFARE® technology and DESFire technology.

SIO-enabled smart card provides versatile interoperability and supports multiple applications.

350x SIO MIFARE + Prox Card


Dual technology solution to address card deployments with SIO-Enabled MIFARE Classic (13.56 MHz) credentials + 125 KHz Proximity

3350 iCLASS SE Clamshell Card


HID Distributor iCLASS SE Cards is Ideal for ICLASS SE installations in harsh environments and can be used for a range of diverse applications.

38xx SIO-Enabled MIFARE DESFire EV1 + Prox Card


Dual technology access control solution for multi-application card deployments with SIO-Enabled MIFARE DESFire EV1 (13.56 MHz) credentials + 125 KHz Proximity

340x – MIFARE Classic SE™ Card


Broadest range of open standard smart cards. Provides the memory structure and capacity to store multiple applications on a single card. Ideal for SIO-Enabled (SE) installations

325x iCLASS SE Key Fob II


SIO-enabled contactless smart key for iCLASS SE platform

370x – MIFARE DESFire EV1 SE™ Card


Broadest range of open standard products. Provides the memory structure and capacity to store multiple applications on a single card. Ideal for SIO-Enabled (SE) installations.


310x iCLASS SE + Prox Card


Dual technology access control solution for customers migrating from 125 KHz Proximity to iCLASS SE (13.56 MHz) high security to support multiple applications.

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